Your Procedure
You have undergone liposuction, either in isolation or in combination with another procedure.
What to Expect
It is normal for the areas treated with liposuction to feel boggy or swollen, and they may also bruise and be tender to touch. The small incisions used sometimes weep clear or bloodstained fluid for the first 24-48 hours. Some areas can feel lumpy or squishy, and it can take the skin a number of weeks to ‘shrink’ down to accommodate the loss of volume. This is all normal.
Surgical Site Care
You may shower 72 hours after surgery. You should wear tight fitting clothing or your compression garment, if applicable, at all times including at night. Incisions covered by small Steri-Strips or other adherent dressings can be left intact until your follow-up. Open incisions should be treated with a small amount of Polysporin twice a day and protected.
Activity and Care at Home
You can walk around at home, but avoid strenuous activities and all exercise or sport. Avoid smoking or being around a smoker as this can seriously compromise wound healing. You should not drive within the first 24 hours, while you are taking any pain medication, or while you do not feel you have control of the vehicle.
Medications and Pain Management
Most people have little pain postoperatively, typically controlled on Tylenol alone. Avoid taking aspirin or other medications that may cause bleeding. You may also have a prescription for a narcotic medication. Try and avoid taking this if possible.
What to watch for / when to call / who to call
Uncontrollable pain, purulent or foul-smelling drainage, or excessive bleeding is not normal. Should you experience these, please contact the office.
Your post-operative visits should be pre-scheduled at the time of surgical booking. If you are unsure of your follow up dates, please contact our office.